Friday, February 15, 2008

What happens to a blog deferred? It explodes, motherfucker!

From the Offices of Placenta Juan, the afterbirth tycoon:

I would like to apoligize to the audience of this blog (and I know you are legion). The man who founded it - the decidely unsanitary Dr. Deacon - has, apparently, decided to abandon the internet for the next year. He didn't give an explanation, rather, simply said, "I need to re-invent myself." And then he retreated into the bathroom and cried for the next ten or fifteen minutes. (To be honest, I wasn't timing the anachronistic pussy.) What does that mean to you, the faithful reader, you may ask? The answer is simple: Placenta Juan, the afterbirth tycoon is usurping Palindromes and Garden Gnomes. Get ready for a popular culture jihad the likes of which you have never seen. (Ed. note: We make no promises that the pop culture jihad of which you have never seen will live up to your exorbitant expectations.) (Author's note: Trust me, the pop culture jihad I've promised will totally live up to your expectations.) (Ed. note: It won't)

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